Oh God save me. Why did I say that I was going to give up smoking?
Fucking list.
At exactly 11.27pm last night, I had my last taste of that sweet, sweet nicotine.
For anyone that knows me, this is no mean feat. I'm not ashamed to admit (although I probably should be) that I *love* smoking. It's the only thing I'm good at and I'm not one of these people who constantly moans about wanting to give up. I actually *enjoy* smoking, and not just because it makes me look cool and smell *grate*, but because it makes me happy.
Sad but true.
But it's on the fucking list and I don't want to go into my 30s a smoker so here I am, all patched up and anxiously gnawing my way through a pack of gum.
I knew it would be hard but fuck me! Didn't sleep a wink last night, I'm irritable, my head is killing me and my sides ache.
This is hell. I hope it gets better. It has to.
Emailed my friends earlier warning them that I've given up and I fear I may murder someone so one of them will probably need to supply alibi. I wish I was joking.
The withdrawal mood swings are crazy.
Had to get up at some ungodly hour this morning to make it into work for a four hour (yes four hour) departmental meeting. Of course it was raining and the train was late, and packed, and crawled all the way to Waterloo because of engineering works.
To make matters worse, the well-dressed man who was sitting opposite me on the train had the audacity to ask me to turn my iPod down because we were sitting in a 'Quiet Zone'. I did but not before telling him to 'get fucked' under my breath.
Luckily he didn't push it, he could probably sense that I was on the verge of beating him to death with my umbrella.
I swear to God, if I had a gun, I would have shot him in the face.

If I never smoke again can I have him please?
Now that would be an incentive to give up...
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